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Future Fitness Reviews

Updated April 15, 2024

Future Fitness

Not just an app, not just a personal trainer. This is the Future of fitness.

00 per month

Subscribing to Future Fitness

Subscribing to Future Fitness is like having your own personal trainer, right in your pocket. Your membership brings you into a supportive community where expert coaches are ready to guide you toward your fitness goals every step of the way. Whether you’re a busy professional, a multitasking parent, or someone navigating a constantly changing schedule, Future Fitness is designed to adapt to whatever life throws your way.

Through Future Fitness, you’re connected with knowledgeable coaches who tailor workouts to fit your lifestyle, ensuring your progress stays on track. They carefully curate exercises that align with your needs and goals, maximizing the effectiveness of each session and fueling your continuous improvement. With their daily check-ins and words of encouragement, you’ll never feel alone on your fitness journey. Instead, you’ll have a dedicated support system motivating you as you strive to reach your fullest potential.

How Does Future Fitness Work

With Future Fitness, reaching your fitness goals is made simple. They offer personalized training and expert coaching, so you can make the most out of your workouts without the hassles of traditional gym memberships.

By signing up on the Future Fitness website and clicking “Find Your Coach,” you embark on a journey tailored just for you. For just $199 a month, you can access the expertise of a dedicated coach who will guide you every step of the way.

To get started, you’ll take a quick 3-minute quiz to help match you with the perfect coach. You’ll answer questions about your fitness experience, goals, and preferences, ensuring that your coach understands your needs fully. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned gym-goer, Future Fitness has the right coach for you.

Once you’ve selected your coach, you’ll hop on a video call to discuss your life, fitness history, and any injuries or health concerns. Your coach will then design a personalized workout plan for you, hand-selecting exercises from a vast library to suit your needs and schedule.

Every Sunday, your coach will publish your tailored workout plan for the week ahead. They’ll check in with you daily to keep you motivated and track your progress. With clear guidance for each exercise and the ability to track your stats, you’ll have all the tools you need to succeed. And if for any reason you’re not satisfied, Future Fitness offers a full refund within 30 days.

How Much Does Future Fitness Cost

Future Fitness offers several membership plans to suit different needs and budgets. Starting at $199 per month for a monthly membership, members can enjoy personalized coaching and tailored workout plans. For those looking to commit to their fitness journey for a longer period, Future Fitness offers discounted rates for 3-month, 6-month, and annual memberships. With savings of up to 25%, the longer the duration of the membership, the greater the discount. It’s important to note that all memberships start as month-to-month by default but can be changed in the app after sign-up, providing flexibility and convenience for members.

Additionally, Future Fitness offers a 30-day risk-free trial, allowing users to experience the benefits firsthand before making a long-term commitment, ensuring peace of mind and confidence in their investment towards a healthier lifestyle.

Benefits & Drawbacks of Future Fitness

Benefits of Future Fitness

  • Personalized Training: Future Fitness goes beyond one-size-fits-all workouts by providing personalized routines tailored specifically to your fitness level, goals, and schedule. This individualized approach ensures that every exercise is relevant to your needs, helping you achieve results more efficiently.
  • Expert Coaching: With Future Fitness, you’re not just left to figure things out on your own. You have access to expert coaches who are there to guide you every step of the way. They offer valuable insights, motivation, and feedback to help you push past limitations and reach new heights in your fitness journey.
  • Flexible Schedule: Life can get hectic, but that doesn’t mean your fitness goals have to suffer. Future Fitness understands this and adapts to your busy schedule, making it easy to squeeze in workouts whenever and wherever you can.
  • Maximizing Workouts: There’s no wasting time on exercises that don’t align with your goals. Coaches hand-select the right exercises for you, ensuring that each workout is optimized for maximum effectiveness. This means you get the most out of every sweat session, seeing progress over time and staying motivated to keep pushing forward.
  • Ongoing Support: It’s easy to feel discouraged or overwhelmed when tackling fitness goals on your own, but with Future Fitness, you’re never alone. Coaches provide daily check-ins and words of encouragement, keeping you motivated and accountable. Whether you’re celebrating victories or facing challenges, they’re there to support you every step of the way.
  • Convenient Access: One of the greatest advantages of Future Fitness is its accessibility. With everything available online, you can work out from the comfort of your own home, the local park, or even while traveling. This flexibility makes it easier than ever to prioritize your health and fitness, no matter where life takes you.

Drawbacks of Future Fitness:

  • Cost: While the personalized attention and convenience of Future Fitness are undeniably valuable, the monthly subscription fee may be considered expensive for some individuals. This can be particularly true when compared to the cost of traditional gym memberships or other fitness programs.
  • Limited Interaction: While coaches provide daily check-ins and support, the level of interaction may not be as extensive as what you’d receive during in-person training sessions. This can be a drawback for those who thrive on face-to-face communication and hands-on guidance.
  • Dependency on Technology: Future Fitness relies heavily on technology for communication, workout delivery, and tracking progress. While this can be convenient for many users, it may pose challenges for those who are less tech-savvy or unable to access digital platforms.
  • Lack of In-Person Supervision: Without the presence of a coach during workouts, there may be limitations in correcting form, providing immediate feedback, or addressing concerns in real-time.

Is Future Fitness Worth It?

Determining whether Future Fitness is worth it depends on your individual circumstances and priorities. For someone with a hectic schedule and little time to spare, the convenience of having personalized workouts and daily support from expert coaches can be invaluable. Imagine a busy parent who struggles to find time for the gym amidst their responsibilities. With Future Fitness, they can have tailored workouts that fit into their schedule, ensuring they stay on track with their fitness goals without sacrificing precious time with their family.

Additionally, for individuals who struggle with motivation or lack knowledge about effective workout routines, the guidance and accountability provided by Future Fitness can make all the difference. Consider someone who has tried and failed to stick to a fitness routine in the past. With Future Fitness, they have a dedicated coach cheering them on and adjusting their workouts as needed, increasing their chances of long-term success.

Ultimately, while the cost of a Future Fitness subscription may seem like an investment, the benefits of personalized coaching, tailored workouts, and ongoing support can lead to significant improvements in both physical health and overall well-being. For many individuals, the convenience, guidance, and motivation provided by Future Fitness make it well worth the investment in their health and fitness journey.

Future Fitness Tips

To get the most out of your Future Fitness membership, it’s important to establish a strong line of communication with your coach. They’re there to support you, so don’t hesitate to share your goals, preferences, and any challenges you’re facing. By working together, you can ensure that your workouts are tailored to suit your needs and maximize your results.

Consistency is another key factor in making the most of your membership. Try to stick to your workout schedule as much as possible, even on busy days. Every session counts, so stay committed to your fitness journey and trust the process.

It’s also worth keeping an eye out for any discounted rates or special deals that Future Fitness may offer, especially for first-time members. Taking advantage of these offers can help you kickstart your fitness journey without breaking the bank.

Lastly, remember to listen to your body and prioritize your health above all else. If something doesn’t feel right during a workout, don’t push through it. Instead, communicate with your coach and make adjustments as needed to prevent injury and ensure long-term progress. By staying engaged, consistent, and mindful of your body’s needs, you’ll be well on your way to maximizing your Future Fitness membership.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are the coaches?

Future Fitness coaches are expert professionals with extensive experience in fitness training and personalized coaching. They’re dedicated to helping you reach your goals and providing the support you need every step of the way.

Do I need a home gym or gym membership?

No, you don’t need a home gym or a separate gym membership to benefit from Future Fitness. The workouts are designed to be adaptable to your surroundings, whether you’re at home, outdoors, or have access to a gym.

How do coaches track my progress?

Coaches track your progress through various methods, including smartwatch data synced with the Future Fitness app. This allows them to monitor your workouts, track your stats, and adjust your plan as needed to ensure you’re making progress towards your goals.

Is Future Fitness available worldwide?

Future Fitness is currently only available to residents of the United States.

How can I download the Future Fitness app?

You can easily download the Future Fitness app from the App Store or Google Play Store on your smartphone. Simply search for “Future Fitness” and follow the instructions to install it on your device.

Can I use Future Fitness while traveling?

Yes, you can access Future Fitness workouts wherever you go, whether you’re at home, traveling, or on the road. Their flexible approach allows you to stay on track with your fitness goals no matter where life takes you.

How much time does Future Fitness require?

The time commitment for Future Fitness varies depending on your schedule and goals. Typically, workouts can range from 30 minutes to an hour, but your coach will work with you to create a plan that fits your lifestyle and preferences.

What’s the cancellation policy?

They offer a risk-free 30-day trial, and if you cancel within that time, you’ll receive a refund. After the first month, you can cancel anytime without any additional commitments.

Can I switch coaches?

Yes, you can change your coach whenever you need to.

Can individuals with injuries join Future Fitness?

Yes, as long as they have been cleared for exercise by a medical professional, they are welcome to join. The coaches will tailor workouts to accommodate their injuries while still supporting their fitness journey.

Do I need a smartwatch to join?

A smartwatch is not required, but it is encouraged as it can enhance your fitness tracking and overall experience with Future Fitness.

Which smartwatches work with Future Fitness?

Future Fitness is compatible with all Apple Watch Series 3 or newer models, as well as any smartwatches operating on WearOS 3.0 or above for Android users.

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